domingo, 24 de maio de 2009

Education - New kind of national test to join in University

Good Night! Today i will tell you about the news on education of our country.
This year, the Ministry of Education decided to change the vestibular concourse and now, the students will have the same test in every universities of country. Well, some universities didn't agree with that decision, like Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) but the others universities of state had agree, at least partially.
Yesterday, may 23, happened one simulation of National Exame of High School ( called ENEM, in portuguease) in Gigantinho's stage, with 7 thousand students to try their knowlege. The exame iniciated at 13 pm and it had one hundred questions of math and science. Today, more one hundred questions of language and science and one composition! This event was promoted by the University ESADE.
This weekend, lots of students had lost the oportunity to do this simulation because the number of vacancies was limited. But in june 20 and 21, they gonna get another chance. The inscriptions will happen along this week, with 8 hundred vacancies.


to change = mudar
agree = concordar
partially = parcialmente
thousand = mil
weekend = fim de semana
week = semana

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